Putting a Word On It!!! Weekly Motivation


Luke 5:31 NIV

Jesus answered them, “it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32: I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

Have you ever walked into a hospital and seen healthy, happy people sitting around talking discussing the latest gossip? Everyone one is smiling and full of joy and just happy to be alive? Chances are that answer is NO. People who are not sick do not need to be in the care of a doctor, nor do they need to be seen at the ER. Now, don’t get me wrong, going for your regular checkups is necessary, to maintain a good level of health. Working out, and eating right all pay a huge factor into staying healthy. But going to the ER for In today’s scripture Jesus is telling us that he was not sent into this world for the righteous, but for sinners. Jesus gave his life so that you and I (sinners) can be saved through grace. He came to call us out of our sin (sickness) and to make us righteous. Those who are saved (healthy) are not in need of more saving. Their job is to maintain their relationship with Christ through prayer, fasting, and meditating on his Word. God wants us to bring sinners to him, he wants to save them, they are in need of a savior and many are blinded by their sins. Sins kills us, it destroys us and the enemy is doing his job by enticing them  

See you Sunday!!

With Love,

Lady BriAnna Brown


Putting a Word On It!!! Weekly Motivation


Bible Study