Putting a Word On It!!! Weekly Motivation


‭‭Habakkuk 2:2

“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

Often times God has instructed me to write down what I need Him to do. I get a pen and paper, or create a quick note in my phone and I get as detailed as possible. This is one way I begin to activate my Faith! When challenges arise, and it begins to look like that thing I’m asking God to do is looking impossible, I go back to my list and remind myself, that God said to write the vision! I have done this twice in my life, and both times God has given me exactly what I asked him for.

I encourage you to do the same. Some of you may have a vision for a new business, write it down! Some of you may have actual vision board, keep them in an area where you will see it daily, and begin to believe that God is going to bring it to pass. You must also incorporate your faith! There is no point of having a vision if you don’t have the faith to believe it’s going to come to past!

So again I challenge you to write your vision, be as detailed as possible and watch God work on your behalf.

With Love,

Lady BriAnna Brown


Putting a Word On It!!! Weekly Motivation


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